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the size of the population of entire state



1R&B音乐:综合了黑人音乐、西方民间音乐和拉丁民间音乐(自己找几个歌手) 2乡村音乐:同上,但没有墨西哥音乐 2美国料理:综合了欧洲料理、墨西哥料理和亚洲料理的特色,同时又有自己的特点——如奶酪多。(菜式:法式达——墨西哥餐加英餐、T骨牛排——法餐加英餐、芝加哥卷——日餐加英餐、华道夫沙拉——法餐加意大利菜) 3服装文化:牛仔的风靡——融合了美国当地劳工服装文化和法国服装文化(大家都知道具体例子) 4后现代主义文化:融合了来自欧洲的后现在主义风潮和来自亚洲和非洲的美术素材及美国本土的品牌文化(随便找几个70年代以后成立的牌子,比如ANNA SUI)



美国的主流文化:在美国最受尊重和大家最认同的三种职业是一 律师,二 医生,三 教师,他们的待遇也是普遍很高的;而且可以达到从事这三种职业的条件也是很严格和苛刻的!先谈律师,律师是一个法制社会的窗口和缩影;他的重要性代表了所有的人都有一个愿望就是平等和自由是在大家都认同的宪法下进行的;没有任何人可以超越它! 二医生:在大家有了共同的游戏规则后,最关心的就是人的身体素质和健康状况;所以医生排在所有的职业的第二位.第三的是教师:教师的重要说明了对教育的重要,一个成熟的国家和家庭绝对是一个重视教育的国家和家庭!对教育的重视就是对自己国家和未来的重视!有了共同的游戏规则和健康的身体在加上良好的教育.



An American friend has invited you to visit his family. You’ve never been to an American’s home before, and you’re not sure what to do. Should you take a gift? How should you dress? What time should you arrive? What should you do when you get there? Glad you asked. When you’re the guest, you should just make yourself at home. That’s what hospitality is all about: making people feel at home when they’re not The question of whether or not to bring a gift often makes guests squirm. Giving your host a gift is not just a social nicety in some cultures-it’s expected. But in American culture, a guest is not obligated to bring a present. Of course, some people do bring a small token of appreciation to their host. Appropriate gifts for general occasions might be flowers, candy or-if the family has small children-toys. If you choose not to bring a gift, don’t worry. No one will even notice.  American hospitality begins at home-especially when it involves food. Most Americans agree that good home cooking beats restaurant food any day. When invited for a meal, you might ask, "Can I bring anything?" Unless it’s a potluck, where everyone brings a dish, the host will probably respond, "No, just yourself." For most informal dinners, you should wear comfortable, casual clothes. Plan to arrive on time, or else call to inform your hosts of the delay. During the dinner conversation, it’s customary to compliment the hostess on the wonderful meal. Of course, the biggest compliment is to eat lots of food! When you’ve had plenty, you might offer to clear the table or wash the dishes. But since you’re the guest, your hosts may not let you. Instead, they may invite everyone to move to the living room for dessert with tea or coffee. After an hour or so of general chit-chat, it’s probably time to head for the door. You don’t want to wear out your welcome. And above all, don’t go snooping around the house. It’s more polite to wait for the host to offer you a guided tour. But except for Americans usually like to have advance notice when people come to see them. Only very close friends drop by unannounced. This is especially true if the guests want to stay for a few days. Here’s a good rule of thumb for house guests: Short stays are best. As one 19th century French writer put it, "The first day a man is a guest, the second a burden, the third a pest." Even relatives don’t usually stay for several weeks at a time. While you’re staying with an American family, try to keep your living area neat and tidy. Your host family will appreciate your consideration. And they may even invite you back! Most Americans consider themselves hospitable people. Folks in the southern United States, in particular, take pride in entertaining guests. In fact, "southern hospitality" has become legendary. But in all parts of America, people welcome their guests with open arms. So don’t be surprised to find the welcome mat out for you. Just don’t forget to wipe your feet.