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时间账单英文,they keep a timecard and receive paycheckswhich they keep in check

1,they keep a timecard and receive paycheckswhich they keep in check


they keep a timecard and receive paycheckswhich they keep in check

2,英语选择题帮我解释并翻译一下谢谢以及account 的用法

C ake into account是考虑的意思 我希望老师在评价我的考试的时候 能够考虑到我最近生病这一情况
C, take ...into account, 把……考虑进去
选C,take...into account是个固定搭配

英语选择题帮我解释并翻译一下谢谢以及account 的用法

3,帐单即将到截止日期 英文怎么说

The bill is meeting the deadline.如还有疑问,欢迎可以进入乐知各级别英语外教课免费旁听。希望能帮到您
your bill will soon get cut-off date
The bill is meeting the deadline
1. 1. bill 2. check

帐单即将到截止日期 英文怎么说


对帐单statement of accountscheck sheetMarch Statement of Accounts
abstract of account for March
你好!bank statement 对帐单 Bank statement for Marchhttp://blog.sina.com.cn/u/4891e17d010002wl如有疑问,请追问。

5,英文流水账单翻译在线等 银行卡客户交易查询打印 卡号 客户名称

bank card customer transaction query / print, card number, customer name, start date, termination date, a summary of the transaction amount, account balance, transaction date, billing date, merchant / shop number and name, income and expenditure.


用spendinghave a good time+动词ing 意思是做某事玩的很开心we had a good time playing basketball yesterday.昨天我们打篮球打得很开心。
pay pay the bill 付账单took 花费时间it took sb time to dospent spend money on sthcost sth cost sb money
过去式 spent 过去分词 spent 现在分词 spending用spending,因为前面用了进行时,两个同时进行啊。
应该是to spend
spending.因为有固定搭配have a good/ wonderful/ fantastic time doing sth. "做某事玩得很开心"。你的vocation错了,应该是vacation, "假期",vocation是“职业”。
have a good time doing sth. 做某事很愉快所以用spend的-ing形式,spending 在山中度假很愉快。