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打款账单给我英语翻译Draw the bill to me



饭后想叫伙计结帐,英文怎么说? 餐馆的账单,英式英文叫bill,美式则叫check。叫伙计结帐,你可以说Could I have the bill, please?或者May I have the bill, please?又或者We’d like the bill, please。但最简单的莫过于说The bill, please。以上的bill字,当然都可改为check



账单 Bill
bill list menu 都可以
bill; check; statement of account; reckoning
.bill; check; statement of account; reckoning



I want to pay for my bill.貌似这个就没什么问题了吧 如果想完全正确还请参照专业人士解答 如有错误 请不吝赐教
I want to pay my bill(这是高中的课程 有个词组就是 pay the bill)
I want to pay for my bill
I want to pay my bill. (不能在pay 后加for,请记住pay the bill 这个搭配)
I would like to pay my bill.OR I want to pay my bill.


1 Terminal No. 2 In charge of code 3 Transaction code 4 No. documents 5 Last trading day 6 Only the amount of deduction 7 Account Status 8 Pay gas bills 9 Pay tax 10 The total number of currency 11 Deng-fold the number of 12 Book number 13 Interest 14 Address 15 Teller code 16 Sales Date 17 Account 18 Opening Date 19 Document types 20 Identity cards 21 Country code 22 Only deduction code 23 The amount of圈存 24 Pay on behalf of 25 Pay telephone charges 26 Receive mode 27 Transactions 28 Passbook rows 29 Available balance 30 Only the date of deduction 感觉好加加分~~~呵呵!!!


1、Can i have the bill,please?请问可以结帐吗?2、Is everything to your satisfaction?您吃的还满意吗?3、Here`s your bill,sir.先生,这是您的帐单。4、What`s this for?这收的是什么钱?5、This is the service charge.这是服务费。6、Besides the food and wine,there is an extra 10%service charge.除了饭菜和酒水,还有10%的服务费。7、How would like to pay for your dinner?您打算怎么付帐?8、Your bill comes to 3420 RMB.您的帐单一共是3420人民币。9、Would you like to see if the account is correct?您想看看总数是否准确吗?10、What is that 60 yuan for?这60元是花在什么地方吗?11、So this is the bill then.这就对了。12、How do you wish to settle your account,sir.In cash or by credit card?您想怎么结帐,用现金还是信用卡?13、Thank you for staying in our hotel,sir.先生,欢迎光临我们的饭店。 希望会对你有用。