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Zip! Zip! Zip! Wit! Wit!



son of bitch
fuck youson of the bitch
pig . Alibaba . begger & fuck you
You asshole!



我只知道几个nut 指某方面痴迷的人,别人看成怪物一样。insane 指别人神经病fucker (不要以为它有f**k就很粗)其实这个词在美语中也常见,指傻瓜或笨旦idiot 指白痴nothing (e.g. you are nothing 指混蛋)等等
asshole 笨蛋slug 肮脏的人dude 有时候指花花公子
fuck ,bitch ,idiot ,foolish



1. fuck off2. Fuck off3. fuck up ...4. fuck you up5. Fuck about with6. dont fuck with me7. Fuck about/around8. homo fuck =fucking homo9. fuck that! = fuck that shit10. shut up . shut the hell up , shut the fuck up.
His mama of Crest your lung


bullshit shoot shit的美用 就像中国说SB的时候可以说傻波一样shirt 同上fuck 不用解释了son of bitch 狗娘养的suck for you SBstupididiot 傻瓜 get out 滚go to hell 去死暂时只能想到这么多了~~ 应该够用了~
fuck 他妈的:草 很卜雅的..最好别用 shit 只知道着两个,其他的都冒看过..才疏学浅蛤..
fuck youyour mumshitbastardcuntslutcowtwatskit
garbag e (ge连着的)垃圾 son of the bitc h 婊 子养的(ch是连着的) as s hole象个屁 眼(ss是连着的 就象咱们说你是个傻 X) 这些词连着打不出来
really fucking cool!--------真他妈酷毙了!fuck是个动词,也可以用作形容词加ing即可===================================aadkbitchbullshitbitchson of bitchmotherfuckeridiot----america idiot


那Z呢 Z的单词本来就少 你让我说10个我还可以每个字母都说一个不大可能 我没学到家
找了半天,终于找个差不多了。asshole 讨厌鬼bastard/bitch 混dan/biao子cissy 娘娘腔dork 笨蛋evil man 坏人fool 傻瓜geek 呆瓜hooker ji女idiot 白痴jackass 蠢驴killer 杀人魔lunkhead 呆子murderer 杀人犯nerd 呆子old bag/old fox 老po妇/老狐狸prostitute ji女queer 同xing恋rascal 流氓,坏蛋son-of-a-bitch 狗niang养的tramp dang妇ugly man丑恶的人vamp yin妇whore biao子x your mother X你妈yegg强盗zany小丑,笨蛋累够呛了!看着给分吧,楼主!
a for apeb for bitch bastardc for cunt cockd for dick damn dudef for fuckg for gayh for hooker helli for imbecilej for jerk jokem for motherfucker moroonp for pimp prickr for retards for slut shit shoot suckerw for whore
楼主真有情调。。。让我想几个。。 有的是表愤怒感叹的词。不支持你用它伤人, 可以学习一下美国的多元文化。。 a for asshole.b for basterd.c for chicks.d for damn.e for ...f for fuck.g for G*d damn it.h for hell, what the hell?i for i hate you.j for jerk.k for kick your ass.l for lost your mind, loser.m for motherfucker.r for rock you.s for shit and sucks
a for assholeb for bitch,bastard,bumc for chicken,coward,clodhopperd for dog,donkeye for effluvia f for fucker,fascistg for gay(不是歧视同性恋,美国人经常用这个词骂人)h for hookeri for idiotj for jerk,jokek for knobl for loser,loonm for motherfuckern for nutp for puny,pig q for quitter,queerr for rubbish,rats for scumbag,shitt for tomnoddy,terrorist u for uselessv for w for witchy for yankee(对美国人的蔑称) x z 开头的词貌似很少见呢,反正我是才疏学浅不知道啦 希望能帮到LZ