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烧烤用英语怎么介绍,锦州烧烤用英文怎么表达 不是barbecue

1,锦州烧烤用英文怎么表达 不是barbecue

jing zhou bbq

锦州烧烤用英文怎么表达 不是barbecue


“bbq”就是“barbecue”的缩写,意思是“烧烤”。 bbq是barbecue的缩写,不能按单个字母读,应该读/ba:bikju:/
介绍bbqIntroduction BBQ



Beijing roast duck 国外一般就叫peking duck 烤鸡roast chicken
我有一个最简单的烤鸡方法, 就是把酱油,糖,番茄酱,少量白葡萄酒,少量盐,胡椒粉,蒜粉搅拌均匀, 然后涂到鸡身上,鸡肚子里面可以放几片姜, 然后放进烤箱小火烤大概40到50分钟, 中间可以翻几次面



http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_643d720d0100gn4g.html 这个是BBQ 公司的介绍。(快餐店)

5,帮忙 烤羊肉串的英文介绍

你好!baked mutton bunch打字不易,采纳哦!
Yangrouchuan, mutton/lamb shish kebab (or just shish kebab/kabob, etc.), a dish of small pieces of lamb threaded on a skewer and cooked over an open fire. The name of the dish is derived from the Turkish for spit or skewer, "shish" and "kebab", mutton or lamb. The typical Xinjiang or Chinese style Yangrouchuan would usually consist of lamb or mutton only and no vegetables are added.

6,英语特色小吃短文翻译 急 急 急

People treat their dining experience as important as heaven. In China, there are many famous dishes, such as butter tea in Tibet, Goubuli steamed stuffed buns in Tianjin, lamb kebabs in Xinjiang, etc. Today I would like to introduce to you one of the most famous dishes, Peking duck. Peking duck has been around for a long time in China, and its history can be traced back to one thousand years ago. Peking duck requires special selection of the fowl, and must pass through a series of broiling and roasting before it can be served. The best seasons to serve are spring, fall and winter. With appropriate condiments, Peking duck is simply the best dish in the world. I once had the privilege to taste it, and cannot forget its savor since then. I hope everyone has the chance to sample this dish in the future.
Therefore, China has many famous foods like Tibet, Tibet, tianjin goubuli stuffed bun, xinjiang skewer etc. Today, I will introduce to you the most famous one - Beijing roast duck. Beijing roast duck in China has a long history, early in the 1000 years ago. Beijing roast duck must choose special duck varieties, followed by a series of fire and drying, the last in the table. During the spring and autumn and winter edible best taste, deserve to go up again appropriate seasoning, it is the best one in the world. Once I have tasted it taste, let me now also cannot forget, hope you have a chance to try after next.