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巴西冰棍啤酒厂,翻译true to the Brazilian stylewe all went out for a beer afterwards

1,翻译true to the Brazilian stylewe all went out for a beer afterwards


翻译true to the Brazilian stylewe all went out for a beer afterwards


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translation google...........i only know english.........
1.suppose that you see the picture in a different angle,you will feel lighter. 2.the guest lecturer addresses the importance of our social harmony to the students. 3.the tense job makes people have no room to worry and amuse. 4.the teaching focused on studying should let the students express themself freely and without limit. 5.equally important is the teachers should have the sense of humor.it is absolutely not available but bind and rivet. 6.he spurned about any endeavors and suggestions that let him go back. 7.he disposes the opposed suggestions carelessly.he prefers to accept its rationality rather than compromise. 8.he seems to admonish us that we must not keep delusive phantom about the ability to english.we can not learn as well as the natives.

