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全称是Income and expense breakdown form 缩写一般取首字母并大写,但建议写全称


2,固定资产卡片帐 和固定资产清单 用英语怎么表达专业

固定资产清理 Disposal of fixed assets国外并没有特定的固定资产卡片帐名目,不过问了下,Fixed assets card account,估计不是很准确。

固定资产卡片帐 和固定资产清单 用英语怎么表达专业

3,银行出入账单明细 英语怎么说

Bank in and out of the bill details
单纯的“出入”有多种可能:departure and arrival, come and go, begin and ending.另外:about,extra, unbelievable, doubt, up and down等等。

银行出入账单明细 英语怎么说


openning balance 期初现金流cash receipts 现金收入,不用填trade receivables 应收账款(当月收回的)intercompany receivables 联营或合营企业应收账款(当月收回的),就是集团内部企业之间,中文学名不清楚。以下所发生金额皆为当月发生额。job advance 工资wage interviewer 实习生或者实习人员工资other direct costs 其他直接成本third party costs 第三方成本 就是就是集团内部企业之间产生的成本,中文学名也不清楚。以上四项都是与生产直接相关compensation/payroll 补贴或者工资other personnel benefit 个人福利facility cost 办公室费用(管理费用)other overhead expenses related 其他相关间接成本capital expenditure 设备购入other expenses 其他费用以上都是间接费用范畴 然后最后是期末现金流。最后是显示在总的货币资金分为人民币,美元和库存现金,然后和上面做的相比较。


向A公司购入甲材料22500,乙材料18000,增值税率17%,运费800(增值税扣除率7%,运费按重量比例分配)向A公司购入的甲材料应分配的运费:800*(1-7%)/(22500+18000)*22500=413.33向A公司购入的乙材料应分配的运费:800*(1-7%)/(22500+18000)*18000=330.67借:材料采购-甲材料 22500+413.33=22913.33 -乙材料 18000+330.67=18330.67 应交税费-应交增值税-进项 (22500+18000)*17%+800*7%=6941贷:应付帐款/银行存款 48185向B公司购入甲材料含税货款9360,乙材料含税货款8190,增值税率17%,运费360,(增值税扣除率7%,运费按重量比例分配)向B公司购入的甲材料应分配的运费:360*(1-7%)/(9360+8190)*9360=178.56向B公司购入的乙材料应分配的运费:360*(1-7%)/(9360+8190)*8190=156.24借:材料采购-甲材料 9360/(1+17%)+178.56=8178.56 -乙材料 8190/(1+17%)+156.24=7156.24 应交税费-应交增值税-进项 (9360+8190)/(1+17%)*17%+360*7%=2575.2贷:应付帐款/银行存款 17910然后你再根据上述的科目编辑T字帐就可以了.


Professional Practice 2007.12-2008.01 financial accounting practice good hand-simulation GPA: 8 / 10 First, experimental materials: simulate the real business of the month, accounting economic businesses, as well as the last fiscal quarter financial statements and accounting methods and standards for the calculation. Second, the course of the experiment: Day 1, 1-10 days to complete the accounting documents Day 2, according to the 1-10 days to complete the accounting documents on the bank account and cash journal On the 7th day, according to the fill in the 30-day general ledger accounting documents to fill in, out detailed The 9th day, the preparation of the balance sheet and a profit report The first 11 days, the binding of accounting documents and financial statements