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结账英文怎么说,结账 英语怎么说

1,结账 英语怎么说

楼上的~不是那样说的. 首先,checkout是付款台的意思, check out分开写,虽然有"付款"的意思,但其实是"付款离开"的意思. 应该是:pay for... 或者说 pay a bill

结账 英语怎么说


说“the bill”,就知道是要结账了 这是我跟一个英国人吃饭,学到的
1 pick up the tab;Tab在口语里就是指帐单.因此,let me pick up the tab, 就是我来付账的意思 2 foot the bill 3 pay the bill4 cheak



如果是财务上,做报表,是 check up account 如果是去餐馆吃饭结帐,用 Pay bills 如果是住酒店结帐,用 check out
pay billsettle accounts
1. pay the bill 2. pick up the tab 3. foot the bill



饭后想叫伙计结帐,英文怎么说? 餐馆的账单,英式英文叫bill,美式则叫check。叫伙计结帐,你可以说Could I have the bill, please?或者May I have the bill, please?又或者We’d like the bill, please。但最简单的莫过于说The bill, please。以上的bill字,当然都可改为check


说“the bill”,就知道是要结账了 这是我跟一个英国人吃饭,学到的
pay for ..... (省略号表示填上中餐,晚餐,早餐之类的,例如:pay for my dinner付我的午餐钱)
1 pick up the tab;Tab在口语里就是指帐单.因此,let me pick up the tab, 就是我来付账的意思 2 foot the bill 3 pay the bill 4 cheak


pay the billsettle accounts短语:pay for the bill 买单I PAY FOR THE BILL 我要对本条例草案 ; 我付账单 ; 我支付的条例草案pay the monthly bill 每月付账单Pay The Gas Bill 缴燃气费pay the bill yourself 自己买单 ; 自己埋单 ; 支付自己的条例草案to pay the bill 付帐 ; 买单 ; 结帐 ; 结账will pay the bill 指代谁要请客Grandpa will pay the bill 爷爷给我付账例句:1、You can pay the bill with a cheque if you like. 如果你愿意,可以用支票付账。2、My friend and I had just finished lunch at an expensive restaurant when we realized that we did not have enough money to pay the bill. 当我们意识到我们所带的钱不够付账时,我和我的朋友在一家豪华饭店里刚刚用完午餐。3、Generally speaking, one party who propose treat will pay the bill in China. 一般来说,在中国总是有一方来付账。4、For example you help me to do a thing, I will invite you to dinner in order to express thankfulnessto you, certainly, I will pay the bill. 比如你帮我做了一件事情,我会请你吃饭以便表达我对你的谢意,这当然是我来付账。5、I hope Americans will be able to pay the bill when it comes due. 我希望当账单到期时美国有能力付账。
结账、买单 [词典] foot the bill; 满意请采纳
check-out pay