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给朋友介绍如何做披萨Give a friend how to make a pizza
a pizza一块比萨饼 a piece of pizza 一张(块、片)披萨






First,wash your hands.Put a piece of bread on a piate.Put a littuie buter on the bread.Put some slices of chicken/ham/egg onthe bread.Put some lettuce/jam on the bread.Then put another piece of bread on top.Cut the sandwich in two pieces and eat!
a baked pie of italian origin consisting of a shallow breadlike crust covered with seasoned tomato sauce, cheese, and often other toppings, such as sausage or olives.

5,求 Pizza英文介绍

pizza [简明英汉词典][5pi:tsE]n.比萨饼(一种涂有乳酪核番茄酱的意大利式有馅烘饼)
A baked pie of Italian origin consisting of a shallow breadlike crust covered with seasoned tomato sauce, cheese, and often other toppings, such as sausage or olives.
A round savory tart made with a crisp yeast dough, which in the past was covered with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and a variety of other ingredients. Now, it can be covered with a variety of savory ingredients that may include sauces, meats, vegetables and cheeses.有关食物的英文介绍,这个网站上都有了
比萨”是一种由特殊的饼底、乳酪、酱汁和馅料做成的具有意大利风味的食品,但其实这种食品已经超越语言与文化的壁障,成为全球通行的名吃,受到各国消费者的喜爱。但这种美食究竟源于何时何地,现在却无从考究。如今,面对每天由遍及全球的“比萨专家”——必胜客餐厅里烤制的几百万个比萨,大家都自然地认为这是400年前意大利那不勒斯 的面包师傅首创的。


Amorous feelings - - > pizzaMain ingredient: wheat flourAccessories: butter, milk powder, cooking oil, tomato sauce, garlic and chilli sauce, cheese, peppers, Onions, shrimp, KouMoMethods:Milk, butter, will live well, put in the flour province; 2 hours,2 the Onions, wash, cut into green wash clean place, KouMo sliced,3 and in a pan of oil, and pour into the dough into a thin plate edge by thick round cakes, even in * * * * *The bread with holes, then spread on tomato sauce and garlic and chilli peppers, onion, and KouMo, shrimp, cheese,4, will put condiment of Pisa cake in the oven for 10 minutes, then press (baked crispy) keys for 5 minutes.中文:异域风情-->比萨饼做法 主料:面粉 辅料:黄油、奶粉、食用油、番茄沙司、香蒜辣酱、乳酪丝、青椒、洋葱、虾仁、口蘑 做法: 1、 将奶粉、黄油放进面粉中活好,省2个小时; 2、 将洋葱洗净切成圈,青椒洗净切成丁,口蘑洗净切成片; 3、 在煎盘上倒少许油,将面团放入盘中按成一个中间薄边缘厚的圆饼,用*子均匀的在 饼上扎满小孔,然后铺上番茄沙司和香蒜辣酱,加上洋葱、青椒、口蘑、虾仁、乳酪丝; 4、 将放好调料的比萨饼放入微波炉中10分钟,再按(烤脆)键5分钟后即可。