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whirlpool英[?w?:lpu:l]美[?w?:rlpu:l]n.漩涡,涡流; 混乱,纷乱网络混乱; 纷乱; 涡流



raki--梅酒 rum--朗姆酒 cabernet--卡勃耐酒 tokay--托考依 ratafee--果酒 medoc--梅克多 cider--苹果酒 claret--红葡萄酒 chang--青稞酒 martini--马提尼酒 cinzano--泌扎诺酒 riesling--雷斯林白葡萄酒 dirsch——樱桃白兰地 rye——黑麦威士忌 bacardi——巴卡第(rum一种) fino,oloroso,amontillado(sherry属) maraschino——黑樱桃酒 gin——琴酒(杜松子酒) vodka——伏特加 pisco——皮斯克 tequila——龙舌兰 vermouth——苦艾酒 Liqueur——利口酒 bordeaux——波尔多 sautemes——苏特恩 margaux——玛尔戈 chablies——夏布利 spumante——意大利苏打白葡萄酒 sauterne——法国白葡萄酒 mescal——麦斯卡尔酒 chartre use——查特酒 campari——堪上培利(开胃酒) curacao——库腊索甜酒 cointreau——康涂橘酒 cassis——黑醋粟酒 Amaretto——意大利苦杏酒 Port——泡特酒 Armagnac——阿马尼亚克 Smirnoff——司木露(伏特加) Mint Julep——薄荷朱利酒 Sloe gin——黑刺李琴酒 Bourbon——波旁酒 Bronx——布朗克斯 Negroni——内格罗尼酒 Pink lady——粉红佳人 daiquiri——代基里酒 kir——基尔酒 Black Velvet——烈性黑啤酒 Curacao——柑香酒 Shandy——一种啤酒..... Sherry——雪利酒



wine (白酒)beer(啤酒)grape(葡萄酒)当然了这个wine也有葡萄酒的意思
不同的酒有不同的单词,最常见的有:1、wine果酒,特别是葡萄酿制的酒,有红葡萄酒red wine、白葡萄酒white wine 2、beer啤酒3、whisky威士忌酒4、brandy白兰地5、vodka伏特加
1、beer专指啤酒2、whisky威士忌酒,其中的scotch是特指英国苏格兰出产的威士忌。3、brandy白兰地4、gin金酒,也就是杜松子酒5、vodka伏特加6、rum兰姆酒7、tequila龙舌兰酒8、alcohol原意“酒精”,也特指度数很高的烈性酒或是含酒精的饮料。9、spirit也是指高度酒。〖同时,spirit也有n. 精神,心灵;潮流,风气;(文件等)精神;元气、志气、勇气、意志 ; vt. 鼓舞;使振作;神秘地带走;使莫名其妙地出现 ;等意思 〗 10、wine特指果酒,特别是葡萄酿制的酒,有红葡萄酒red wine、白葡萄酒white wine、冰酒ice wine等。
英文中对“酒”的说法有很多种,不是中文的一个字就涵盖的。alcohol原意“酒精”,特指度数很高的烈性酒。spirit也是指高度酒。wine特指果酒,特别是葡萄酿制的酒,有红葡萄酒red wine、白葡萄酒white wine、冰酒ice wine等。beer专指啤酒whisky威士忌酒,其中的scotch是特指英国苏格兰出产的威士忌。brandy白兰地gin金酒,也就是杜松子酒vodka伏特加rum兰姆酒tequila龙舌兰酒我比较支持这一种说法。



drinks 可以指饮料,也可以是酒 比较口语化 英[dr??k]beverage 强调没有酒精的饮料 英[?bev?r?d?]juice 一般指果汁 英[d?u:s]希望对你有所帮助
饮料包括软饮料和酒精饮料。下面是主要的饮料的英语单词(包括甜品)mineral water 矿泉水 orange juice 桔子原汁 orangeade, orange squash 桔子水 lemon juice 柠檬原汁 lemonade 柠檬水 beer 啤酒 white wine 白葡萄酒 red wine 红葡萄酒 claret 波尔多红葡萄酒 cider 苹果酒 champagne 香槟酒 cocktail 鸡尾酒 liqueur 白酒,烧酒 whooshing wine 绍兴酒 yellow wine 黄酒 kaoliang spirit 高粱酒 wu china pee 五加皮 vodka 伏特加 whisky 威士忌 brandy 白兰地 cognac 法国白兰地 gin 琴酒 gin fizz 杜松子酒 martini 马提尼酒 1。红茶 black tea 2.绿茶 green tea 3.浓(淡)茶 strong(weak)tea 4.砖茶 brick tea 5.(不加牛奶的)纯咖啡 black coffee 6.牛奶咖啡 coffee with milk;white coffee 7.速溶咖啡 instant coffee 8.可可 cocoa 9.牛奶 milk 10.全脂奶 whole milk 11.奶酪 milk curd 12.奶粉 powdered milk 13.炼乳 condensed milk 14.麦乳精 malted milk 15.矿泉水 mineral water 16.不含酒精的饮料 soft drink 17.汽水 soda water 18.桔子水 orangeade 19.水果汁 ;果子露 fruit syrup 20.烈性酒 liquor;spirit 21.葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的) wine 22.甜酒 sweet wine 23.不甜的酒 dry sweet wine 24.汽酒 bubbing wine 25.黄酒;绍兴酒 yellow wine;rice wine(shaoxing wine) 26.白葡萄酒 white wine 27.红葡萄酒 red wine;port 28.雪利酒 sherry 29.味思美酒;苦艾酒 vermouth 30.罗木酒 rum 31.香槟酒 champagne 32.白干;高梁酒 white spirit 33.白兰地 brandy 34.苹果酒 cider 35.威士忌 whisky 36.松子酒;金酒 gin;dry gin 37.伏特加;俄得克酒 vodka 38.五味酒 punch 39.鸡尾酒 cocktail 40.啤酒 beer 41.生啤酒draught beer 42.黑啤酒dark beer 43.雪碧sprite 44.芬达fanta 谢谢

5,简单的英语 关于洋酒与葡萄酒的

一开始 就是 CAN I HELP U 然后 就THIS IS GOOD 就行了!~
Summer is just around the corner in this hot season, if for a glass of wine on the how things go! However, if you think wine is wine in Riga to some of the ice, making a serious mistake. Icewine English or German Eiswein referring to the same type of wine, generally translated into ice wine, or ice wine. Ice wine is not as simple as ice wine, the wine really rare rare, expensive and its price. The purity of her unique style of the rich has been deeply attracted me, let me be seen from time to time to find her. In China, to hear "ice wine" is not the word for a long time, but the history of wine has about 200 years. She was born in Germany or Austria, but it is hard to tell which is clearly the specific areas where a winery. At present, the research could Icewine production as early as the time was in 1794, from Germany Franken (Franken) region. Put it in another way also known as ice wine originated in the Rhine in 1858 Heights (Rheingau) region, Schloss Johannisberg winery. In Germany and Austria, many of the winery is also a widespread legend of the birth of wine, about 200 years ago, a late autumn season, the owner of Chateau to go out and did not come back in time, hung on the branches of mature grape missed the usual pick Time was a sudden attack of heavy snow. Zhuang Yuanzhu people as a last resort, try to have been Dongcheng ice wine, the wine was found Niangchu unique flavor, fragrance unusual since the discovery of ice wine brewing methods and transmission so far. Although, actually originated in the ice, which has been difficult to verify, but the ice brewing process, but above the legend can be seen. In short, is the use of frozen ice wine grapes from the brewed liquor.


原发布者:gaomiao20531.红茶blacktea2.绿茶greentea3.浓(淡)茶strong(weak)tea4.砖茶bricktea5.(不加牛奶的)纯咖啡blackcoffee6.牛奶咖啡coffeewithmilk;whitecoffee7.速溶咖啡instantcoffee8.可可cocoa9.牛奶milk10.全脂奶wholemilk11.奶酪milkcurd12.奶粉powderedmilk13.炼乳condensedmilk14.麦乳精maltedmilk15.矿泉水mineralwater16.不含酒精的饮料softdrink17.汽水sodawater18.桔子水orangeade19.水果汁;果子露fruitsyrup20.烈性酒liquor;spirit21.葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的)wine22.甜酒sweetwine23.不甜的酒drysweetwine24.汽酒bubbingwine25.黄酒;绍兴酒yellowwine;ricewine(Shaoxingwine)26.白葡萄酒whitewine27.红葡萄酒redwine;port28.雪利酒sherry29.味思美酒;苦艾酒Vermouth30.罗木酒rum31.香槟酒champagne32.白干;高梁酒whitespirit33.白兰地Brandy34.苹果酒cider35.威士忌whisky36.松子酒;金酒gin;drygin37.伏特加;俄得克酒vodka38.五味酒punch39.鸡尾酒cocktail40.啤酒beer41.生啤酒draughtbeer42.黑啤酒darkbeer43.雪碧spriteDryredwine:干红葡萄酒  Semi-drywine:半干葡萄酒  Drywhitewine:干白葡萄酒  Rosewine:桃红葡萄酒  Sweetwine:甜型葡萄酒  Semi-sweetwine:半甜葡萄酒  Stillwine:静止葡萄酒  Sparklingwine:起泡葡
芬达 Fanta百事可乐 Pepsi可口可乐 Coca冰红茶 ice tea雪碧 Sprite王老吉 WangLoCAT美年达 Mirinda咖啡 coffee康师傅 MR.K JUICE统一 President凉茶 herb tea乌龙茶 Oolong tea红牛 red bull碳酸饮料 sodas豆奶 soy milk
1.红茶 black tea 2.绿茶 green tea 3.浓(淡)茶 strong(weak)tea 4.砖茶 brick tea 5.(不加牛奶的)纯咖啡 black coffee 6.牛奶咖啡 coffee with milk;white coffee 7.速溶咖啡 instant coffee 8.可可 cocoa 9.牛奶 milk 10.全脂奶 whole milk 11.奶酪 milk curd 12.奶粉 powdered milk 13.炼乳 condensed milk 14.麦乳精 malted milk 15.矿泉水 mineral water 16.不含酒精的饮料 soft drink 17.汽水 soda water 18.桔子水 orangeade 19.水果汁 ;果子露 fruit syrup 20.烈性酒 liquor;spirit 21.葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的) wine 22.甜酒 sweet wine 23.不甜的酒 dry sweet wine 24.汽酒 bubbing wine 25.黄酒;绍兴酒 yellow wine;rice wine(Shaoxing wine) 26.白葡萄酒 white wine 27.红葡萄酒 red wine;port 28.雪利酒 sherry 29.味思美酒;苦艾酒 Vermouth 30.罗木酒 rum 31.香槟酒 champagne 32.白干;高梁酒 white spirit 33.白兰地 Brandy 34.苹果酒 cider 35.威士忌 whisky 36.松子酒;金酒 gin;dry gin 37.伏特加;俄得克酒 vodka 38.五味酒 punch 39.鸡尾酒 cocktail 40.啤酒 beer 41.生啤酒draught beer 42.黑啤酒dark beer 43.雪碧sprite