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I study Principal the 4OO rice, extends the 2O0 rice, enters the school gate to be possible to see the garden, the garden between the library and the laboratory, classroom building behind garden, although my school is not big, but very pure beautiful 。
my school is 400 meters long ,200 meters wide,when you enter the gate ,you can see the garden,it is between the library and the lab,the teaching building is behind the garden.though my school is not very big ,it is beautiful and clean.
The area of my school has a length of 400 meters and a width of 200 meters. A garden can be viewed as soon as you come into the gate, which locates between the library and the laboratory, while the teaching building is set behind. Not so big thought, my school is very clean and beautiful.
the length of My school is 4 OO m, width is 2 O0 m, when coming into school,you can see garden, between the library and the laboratory, teaching building behind the garden , although my school is not big, but it is clean and beautiful


3,the beatles的英文简介一定是简介急需

The Beatles were an English rock group from Liverpool whose members were John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. They are one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed bands in the history of popular music.In the United Kingdom, The Beatles released more than 40 different singles, albums, and EPs that reached number one. This commercial success was repeated in many other countries: their record company, EMI, estimated that by 1985 they had sold over one billion discs and tapes worldwide. The Beatles are the best-selling musical act of all time in the United States, according to the Recording Industry Association of America.In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine ranked The Beatles #1 on its list of 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.According to that same magazine, their innovative music and cultural impact helped define the 1960s,and their influence on pop culture is still evident today.The Beatles led the mid-1960s musical "British Invasion" into the United States. Although their initial musical style was rooted in 1950s rock and roll and homegrown skiffle, the group explored genres ranging from Tin Pan Alley to psychedelic rock. Their clothes, styles, and statements made them trend-setters, while their growing social awareness saw their influence extend into the social and cultural revolutions of the 1960s.

the beatles的英文简介一定是简介急需


香槟早晨喝上一杯提神醒脑,下午去暑解渴,晚上开胃生津,睡觉前喝安神。   香槟是法国人的骄傲却带给全世界欢乐,f1方程式赛道的终点,冠军尽情喷洒香槟的泡沫来庆贺胜利;玛丽皇后二号下水的一刻,一瓶香槟砸向船头象征着对她一帆风顺的祝福。名流雅士都在颂扬香槟,包括最有权势的男人:丘吉尔、拿破仑,和最风情万种的女士玛丽莲·梦露、蓬皮杜夫人。正如英国著名经济学家约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯所说:“我毕生唯一的遗憾,是没有享用更多的香槟。”   虽然现代意义的香槟酒诞生的时间不算很长,但是香槟地区种植葡萄和酿酒的历史可以追溯到公元3世纪以前。从公元5世纪到文艺复兴时期,香槟地区凭借其紧靠马恩河的水路运输优势,将葡萄酒卖到罗马帝国重要的葡萄酒市场。从公元987年,hugh capet在香槟省的首府兰斯市(reims)加冕成为法国国王,从此之后一共有37位法国国王在此加冕,于是兰斯成了中世纪法国的宗教和政治中心,这也让周围葡萄园的建设受益匪浅。1584年,香槟省出现了第一家具有正规意义的酒厂——古塞(gosset),当然那个时候酿的是普通的静态葡萄酒而非带气的香槟酒。   现代的香槟酒,满带欢腾气泡的香槟酒的发明是十七世纪晚期的事情。在香槟省奥维耶修道院曾经有一位叫做佩里侬的修士(dom perignon),他在1668~1715年是修道院酒窖主管。很多美丽的传说讲了他在偶然状况下发明起泡香槟的故事。不过当时的佩里侬修士整天在为如何防止香槟发泡而犯愁,根据当时的条件,修士更倾向于酿造好的静态葡萄酒,于是他发明了用红葡萄酿造白葡萄酒和将不同的原酒进行调配的方法。而葡萄酒起泡,完全是不得已的事情。虽然并非是佩里侬发明了香槟,至少不是他一个人发明的,但是仍然不能否定他香槟之父的地位。   在过去的100年里,香槟的名称被无休止地滥用,美国有上百万瓶的劣质起泡酒标着“香槟”的字样。为保护这个民族骄傲,法国人在全世界打了700多个官司来维护香槟酒名称的纯洁性,目的是为了让大家知道——“只有来自法国香槟产区的起泡葡萄酒才能配得起香槟这个名字!”
一: 什么是香槟酒:香槟,英文“champagne”。以特定葡萄品种的原汁和专用的香槟酒酵母,通过前后两期发酵程序所制成的发泡葡萄酒。因最初产于法国香槟地区(旧省名)而得名。香槟是发泡葡萄酒的通用名称。但是在法国,使用香槟酒这个名称,仍只限定香槟地区生产的红、白发泡葡萄酒,其他地区生产的发泡葡萄酒不能使用,可是习惯上仍将这类酒称为香槟酒 。中国也于 1990 年 规定发泡葡萄酒不能以香槟酒命名。 二: 香槟酒的引申意义:香槟一词与快乐、欢笑、和高兴同义。因为它是一种庆祝佳节用的酒,它具有奢侈,诱惑,和浪漫的色彩,也是葡萄酒中之王。在历史上没有任何酒,可比美香槟的神秘性,它给人一种纵酒高歌的豪放气氛。香槟酒的味道醇美,适合任何时刻饮用,配任何食物都好;如举行大的宴会,用香槟比其他混合酒还恰当。在婚礼和受洗仪式上,也适合用来干杯,它也是第一流的调酒配料,而且价格也不太贵。
是产于法国香槟地区(不同于干邑地区的大小香槟区)按照严格的法律规定酿造的的一种葡萄气泡酒。香槟酒需要在葡萄酒瓶中进行二次发酵,产生二氧化碳,从而产生气泡。根据法律,只有在法国香槟区,选用指定的葡萄品种,根据指定的生产方法流程所酿造的气泡酒,才可标注为香槟。在美国,由于历史原因,部分当地产的气泡酒仍在酒标上使用“香槟”一词;中国大陆则对香槟实行保护。扩展资料用于酿造香槟的葡萄有3种,分别是霞多丽(Chardonnay)、黑皮诺(Pinot Noir)和莫尼耶皮诺(Pinot Meunier),品种的选择决定着风格的差异。如果一款香槟并没有标明特定的风格,那么可以默认为标准(Standard)风格,即采用以上3种葡萄混酿。影响香槟口味的一个最少被提及、但也最为重要的因素就是陈年时间的长短。陈年可以为香槟带来烤面包、坚果和酵母发酵的香气。最出色的酿酒商所生产的坚果味最明显的香槟发售前一般陈年5-7年。参考资料来源:百度百科-香槟参考资料来源:中国新闻网-如何挑选香槟?