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最流行的饮料是偶然被发明的英语,英语单选1I used to drink a lot of Coca Cola but these days I tea

1,英语单选1I used to drink a lot of Coca Cola but these days I tea

你好:选择A 原句意思:我 以前喝很多可乐,但是现在我更青睐于喝茶了。指的是现在发生的事。

英语单选1I used to drink a lot of Coca Cola but these days I tea


i heard that this kind of drink was invented by accident.


3,翻译英语文章 Who invented tea

你知道茶,世界上最流行的饮料(水)、是被意外地发明吗? 虽然茶没被带给西方世界,直到1610年,这一种饮料被发现,在三千年前根据中国古代的一个传说神农氏沸腾时发现了茶叶篝火的饮用水一些叶子从附近的灌木丛掉进水里,在那里住了一段时间。皇帝注意到水中的叶子产生出一种pleasand气味后来他决定尝一下这种热的混合物它相当可口。就这样,一种世界最受欢迎的饮料是虚构的。

翻译英语文章 Who invented tea

4,英语答案cocacola is probably the most famous

英语答案:Coco-cola is probably the most famous soft drink in the world.可口可乐也许是世界上最有名气的软饮料。
你好 翻译为;Did you know that tea,the most popular drink in the world (after water),was invented by accident?你知道吗?世界上最受欢迎的饮料(水),茶是偶然发明的?望采纳 谢谢
did you know that tea,the most popular drink in the world (after water), which the accident invented it?


I heard that this kind of drink was invented by accident.
" I heard that the drink was invented by accident"
I heard that this kind of drink was invented by accident.
I heard that this drink is the accidental invention of

7,英语题 急急急

D A D C D 1.who finished this job? 2. the most popular beverage on Earth was invented by accident 3.i had never been late for school before 4.the classroom is cleaned by students daily 5.they were all being invented few hundreds of years
首先声明我是英语老师,保证答案正确。 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.D 翻译: 1.Whom is this job finished by? 2.The most popular drink in the world was invented by mistake. 3.I have never been late for school. 4.The classroom is cleaned by students every day. 5.They were all invented hundreds of years ago.
1. D used to be 2.A so 3.D are used for 4.C was seen 5.D is sold 句子翻译 1.这份工作被谁完成的?whom was the job finished by? 2.世界上最流行的饮料是偶然被发明的。the most popular drink in the world was invented by accident. 3.我上学从没迟到过。i am never late for school. 4.教室每天都由学生们打扫。the classroom was cleaned by the students every day. 5. 他们都是几百年前被发明的。they were all invented hundreds years ago.