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草帽歌》英文版日本电影《人证》主题曲Straw HatMa Ma do you remember, the old straw hat you gave to me,I lost that hat long agoflew to the foggy canyon.Yeah Ma ma I wonder what happened to that old straw hatfalling down the mountain side out of my reach like your heart.Suddenly that wind came up stealing my hat from me yeh.blowing it higher away.Ma ma that old straw hat was the only one I really loved,but we lost it. No one could bring it back,like the life you gave me.Suddenly that wind came up, stealing my hat from me yeh.blowing it higher away.Ma ma that old straw hat was the only one I really loved,but we lost it. No one could bring it back,like the life you gave me,like the life you gave me.



这首歌应该是以焦尼的口吻唱给他的母亲八杉恭子听的。  焦尼是八杉恭子和一个驻日美军生的孩子,后跟他父亲回到美国生活,焦尼长大后他父亲为了凑钱让他回日本和母亲相见,不惜去撞汽车。  焦尼回到日本找到八杉恭子,谁知她已经另嫁人妇,而且成为了知名的服装设计师,为了维护自己的地位和家庭的名誉,八杉恭子亲手杀死了来找自己的黑人儿子焦尼。  焦尼是在美国长大的,所以《草帽歌》用英文唱更为真实感人吧。  《草帽歌》  词:西条八十  唱:乔山中  ma ma do you remember, 妈妈你可曾记得  the old straw hat you gave to me, 你送给我那草帽  i lost that hat long ago, 很久以前失落了  flew to the foggy canyon. 它飘向浓雾的山岙  yeh ma ma i wonder 耶哎妈妈那顶草帽  what happened to that old straw hat, 它在何方你可知道  falling down the mountain side 掉落在那山坳  out of my reach like your heart. 就像你的心儿我再也得不到  suddenly that wind came up, 忽然间狂风呼啸  stealing my hat from me yeh. 夺去我的草帽耶哎  swirling whirling gust of wind, 高高卷走了草帽啊  blowing it higher away. 飘向那天外云霄  ma ma that old straw hat 妈妈只有那草帽  was the only one i really loved, 是我珍爱的无价之宝  but we lost it. 但我们已经失去  no one could bring it back, 没有人再能找到  like the life you gave me. 就像是你给我的生命
ma ma do you remember 妈妈 度 有 瑞慢berthe old straw hat you gave to me热 偶的 斯juo 还特 有 给吴 图 米 i lost that hat long ago 爱 罗斯特 杂特 海特 龙 额够flew to the foggy canyon. 副楼图热 佛gi 看样yeh ma ma i wonder也 妈妈 爱 忘得rwhat happened to that old straw hat沃特 还笨的 图 杂特 偶的 斯juo 海特falling down the mountain side 佛领 荡 热 忙疼 腮的out of my reach like your heart. 奥特 额物 买 瑞其 来客 哟 哈而特suddenly that wind came up撒等类 杂特 win的 k吗p stealing my hat from me yeh似地灵 买 海特 副让 米 也swirling whirling gust of wind斯我领 我领 噶斯特 额物 win的blowing it higher away不楼应 也特 海额 额为 ma ma that old straw hat 妈妈 杂特 偶的 斯juo 海特was the only one i really loved我斯 热 偶蕾 玩 爱 锐利 了无得but we lost it. 巴特 wi 咯斯特 耶特no one could bring it back诺 玩 哭的 不ring 耶特 百科like the life you gave me来客 热 来福 有 给吴 米

