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1. sunday怎么读

1. sunday怎么读

星期天 Sunday (san dei 老外把周日看作一周的第一天)

星期一 Monday (man dei)

星期二 Tuesday (tiu zi dei)

星期三 Wednesday (wan zi dei)


Thursday (se zi dei)

星期五 Friday(fu rai dei)

星期六 Saturday (sai te dei)

^_^ 不打音标了,网页上打了也乱码,用汉语拼音拼,都用一声读

2. today怎么读英语

2. today怎么读英语

英 [tə'deɪ]美 [tə'de]

adv. (在)今天;现在;现今;现代,当代

n. 今天,今日;现代,当代;现今

3. today's怎么读

你好!今天today 英[təˈdeɪ] 美[təˈde] adv. 现在; 现今; (在) 今天; 现代,当代; n. 现今; 今天,今日; 现代,当代; [例句]How are you feeling today?你今天感觉怎么样?

4. today怎么读音发音 音标

不一样 ,Sunday的发音不同,它发/i/,其它的都发/ei/

Sunday读音: [ˈsʌndi] 

day读音: [dei]

ay在重读音节中读\ei\,如:today [təˈdei] 

ay不重读时读\i\,如:Monday [ˈmʌndi] Tuesday ,Wednesday, Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 在音标中 ' 表示后面的音节重读

5. today怎么读语音

[i:]字母组合:ee ea e ie ei

three tree green sheep meet beef see seek

eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please

he she me

piece receive ceiling

[i] 字母:i y e

it big six sixty city sit picture is list mix fix fit pig build miss

myth many twenty happy dictionary

defect decide delicious

[ə:][ε:] 字母组合:ir ur ear er or

shirt thirty thirteen third bird

turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger

learn earn earth heard

term her nerd serve

work worm work world

[ə] [ε] 字母组合 er or ou ar o a e u

teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder

doctor actor mayor author tractor

delicious gracious

familiar collar dollar

together tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control polite

around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan china

possible china again breakfast quiet

[ɔ:]字母组合 al or au our ar

small wall talk tall hall ball call walk

short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store

author caught autumn

four mourn court bought

warm quarrel quarter

bought thought wall ball talk

[ɔ] 发音字母 o a [ɔ]是[ɔ:]的短音(就是“奥”)

hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar not

want wash watch

not hot shop hotter shopkeeper

[u:] 字母组合 oo o u

food moon room gloom broom doom goose tooth

shoe do two

true truth blue full prude

school through boot food room

[u]字母组合 oo ou u o

look good foot book wood

should could

put full bull pull push

woman wolf

bedroom classroom good look do

[a:] 字母组合 ar a

car farm card arm garden

fast class last glass plant aunt calm

are half class car far

[ʌ] 发音字母 u o ou oo

up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus

come mother dose brother love above

trouble rough flourish

blood flood

cut son love come sun

[æ] a

apple bag map man has hand and ant happy hat mad bad black back glad flag shall

[e] 字母组合 ea e a

head bread pleasure

elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes

many any

pen desk head bread guess

[ai]发音字母 i y

bike fine find die nine light night high

my try fly eye

night right kind child by

[ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey

name cake late gate plane April

play say may way

great break

rain paint plain

they grey

cake take same play way

[ɔi]字母组合oy oi

boy toy joy

oil soil voice choice

boy noisy noisier noise noisest

[iə] [iε] 字母组合 eer ear

beer deer

ear near

here fierce idea

ear here beer museum dear

[eə] [εə] 字母组合ear air ere

pear bear

chair air fair

there where


care air chair airport careful

[uə] poor

[əu] [εu] 发音字母 o ow oa

home cold go no phone host ghost

know low below grow blow show flow

boat coat goal

no home hello slow show

[au]字母组合 ou ow

house out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse

flower down now cow how town

loudly house now down how

[p]shop top hope stop post

[b] bag black bed beside

[t]talk tought top tough stopped

[d] do did dog read used

[k] call card uncle stomach cold

[g] dog give gate get gold

[f]frog fox four food floor

[v]five river voice move receive

[s]nice city twice guess answer

[z]bags this apples rivers zoo

[t]it wanted watched stopped teach

[d]need answered read used do

[ʃ]she machine moustache shop shopper

[ʒ] measure pleasure

[ts]eats students sits minutes shirts

[dz] friends stands hands heads records

[tr] tree try trace(痕迹) tracer(追踪者) train

[dr] drive drink July dream drag drama

[tʃ]China change child children watch

[dʒ] change

[m]move mother moment mountain milk

[n]answer not line student want

[ŋ]think uncle English wrong long

[h]hat help hard hope hot

[r]rice room right river reduce

[l] low lot less lose loss

[w]what which when why where

[j] yes use usage usually you




双唇塞音/p/:pit- /b/:bit

齿龈塞音/t/:tin- /d/:din

软腭塞音/k/:cut- /ɡ/:gut

齿龈塞擦音/ts/:its- /dz/:goods

塞擦音 /tr/ tree- /dr/ drink

齿龈塞擦音/tʃ/:cheap- /dʒ/:jeep

唇齿擦音/f/:fat- /v/:vat

齿间擦音/θ/:thin- /ð/:then

齿龈擦音/s/:son- /z/:zip

齿龈后擦音/ʃ/:sugar- /ʒ/:seizure



浊辅音。 发音时软腭下垂,使气流从鼻腔逸出而产生的一种语音。




















6. birthday today怎么读

祝我生日快乐!用英语表示为:Happy birthday to me! 其中happy birthday的意思是生日快乐。


Happy birthday to me的用法


It's my birthday today. I want someone to wish me a happy birthday.


The last, Happy birthday to me!


Ask him to wish me success, and wish me a happy birthday.


You didn't wish me a happy birthday yet.


Michael: happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me.


No special guy to wish me happy birthday.


I hope our dreams come ture! I wish everyone happy!


I thawed a frozen cake over my fire, placed a candle on the top, lit it and sang "happy birthday to me" at the top of my voice.

7. learn怎么读

learn,美 [lərn] 英 [ləːn]vt. 认识到;得知;学习vi. 学习。

8. well怎么读


英 [wel] 美 [wel]

adv. 很好地;充分地;满意地;适当地

adj. 良好的;健康的;适宜的

n. 井;源泉

v. 涌出

9. week怎么读

a week的意思是一周,可以用于一般将来时,例如,what will you do in a week?.一周后你会做什么?

a week也可以用于现在完成时态 例如,I have read the book for a week.我已经读了这本书一周的时间了。

a week也可以用于一般现在时,例如,I can keep it for a week.
