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轩尼诗广告里的一首歌,轩尼诗 广告那歌叫什么

1,轩尼诗 广告那歌叫什么

when you know 这个我也很喜欢的~~ 呵呵~~~~·希望你说的就是这首!

轩尼诗 广告那歌叫什么

2,跪求一首歌 是轩尼诗VSOP的广告歌拜托了各位 谢谢

上有两种说法,一种说歌名叫when you know ,一种说叫mad about you,采纳哦
上有两种说法,一种说歌名叫when you know ,一种说叫mad about you,

跪求一首歌 是轩尼诗VSOP的广告歌拜托了各位 谢谢


http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA3NDc5NzY=.html 只能提供这个地址,如果要MP3格式,请加我QQ.
http://vimeo.com/84437574里头的女歌手叫Jihae,韩国人或者韩裔,感觉是simple man的调子的升华版。。
你说的是这首吧:这首是《When you know》完整版歌词: chorus: we could be together everyday together we could sit forever as loving waves spill over verse: the moon is fully risen and shines over the sea as you glide in my vision the time is standing still don’t shy away too long this is a boundless dream come close to me my reason i’ll take you in my wings chorus: we could be together everyday forever we belong together further seas and over verse: in the garden of the sea i see you looking over with my wistful melody you leap into the water it is no breaths sighing this is the mermaid song the singing of my sisters the sea has drown for long
轩尼诗VSOP的最新广告 http://www.qianqian.com/mymusic/417937/070601103423.mp3

