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you are welcome
you are welcome



no thanks
You are welcome !
No problem.You are welcome.That is a pleasure.还有,楼下的No,thanks.是错误的。
not at all 或者you are welcome
not at all


3,这个用英语怎么说 的英语翻译

What is in English?
can you speak in English
The English translation 的英语翻译
人:english translator(书面翻译)english interpreter (口译)普通的说英语翻译就是 english translation

这个用英语怎么说 的英语翻译


是have no money
no money
have no money
have no money=没有钱 did not have any money=之前(因为did是过去式)没有钱
have no money哦,记住罗。
have no money


红酒 1.vin rouge 2.Cabernet 3.claret 4.red wine 白酒 1.spirit usually distilled from sorghum or maize 2.white spirit 3.samshu 4.distillate spirits 黄酒 1.yellow wine 2.rice wine 3.glutinous rice wine 啤酒 1.beer 2.malt 3.suds 4.lager 5.cerevisia 洋酒 import wine and spirits 洋酒就是进口酒类的总称。包含各种不同酒精含量的酒水品种。


没有 [拼音] [mei you] not have; there is not not so...as less than without free from; free of 相关短语: 等于没有 to be equal to nothing/nought/naught 没有把握 not sure of; not confident; hazy 没有出路 to find oneself in a blind alley;, without a way out 没有规矩不成方圆 Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. 没有结果 to come to nothing; to go for nothing, with no result 没有解决的问题 an open question; a suspended problem 没有理由 for nothing, uncalled-for 没有良心 to have no conscience 没有牵挂 free from care 没有什么了不起 not enough to; not so great; nothing to be impressed by


没有钱了的英文:no money相关短语:1、a lot of money 许多钱2、big money 大钱;大笔钱3、save money 省钱;储蓄金钱money 读法 英 [?m?ni] 美 [?m?ni] 示例:She found herself with two small children, a sick husband, and no money 她发觉自己有两个年幼的孩子和一个有病在身的丈夫,却没钱养活他们。扩展资料money用法:1、money多用作不可数名词,指多种货币时也可用作可数名词,其复数形式为moneys,此时多用于指特种钱币或数额较大的钱,或用于法律用语。2、在说“用钱买东西”时,常用介词with。money是“钱,货币”,包括纸币和硬币。money还可指某人所拥有的一切,即“财富,财产”。词义辨析:money, cash, coin, coinage, currency, specie这组词的共同意思是“钱,货币”。其区别是:1、money最早指金属制成的钱币,现在纸币也包含在内; cash指“现金,现款”。2、coin, coinage, specie均指“硬币”, coin主要指“金币,银币”。This is a kind of gold coin.这是一种金币。coinage主要指“货币制”。3、currency指一国、一地区现时市场上流通的货币。
I have no money.(最通俗的说法)I have no cash.(没现金的时候说,很地道)I`m low on cash.(同上)I`m short these days.(我这几天手头很紧,就是没钱)I`m running low myself.(我口袋空的啦)I`m broke until payday.(发工资前我口袋空空)I`m broke myself.(我破产了,形容没钱)`以上说法都很地道。不会吧,你是反问他吧。没人会说别人没有钱啊。还用“你”,当面说。那多不好意思啊!!不过说法是有的.就把上面的I改成You,把myself改成youself.然后加个问号?或感叹号!(这样号听些)如:You are low on cash!或You are low on cash?就可以了。
没有钱了,你也没有钱了。No money,you too.没有钱了。No money.你没有钱了。You have no money.
No cash?