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You must finish your homework by yourself by oneself独自麻烦采纳,谢谢!
you must finish your homework by yourself by oneself独自



We can complete the mission on time only through this way.
Only in this way will we be able to complete tasks on time.
only in this way can we manage to accomplish the job in time
Only in this way we can finish the work on time.



can complete the task absolutely
you are an intern with a company that develpos multimedia-rich web sites for clients. at your intern training you were told that there are numerous companies in the business of developing web sites for others, and that many of these companies use multimedia in their own web site to promote themselves. you have been asked to conduct the following research and to write a report of your findings. 1.use your favorite search engine to locate three of these companies. 2.open a document in a word processor, save the file as assignment1_name, then fill in the following information for each company: a.company name b.contact information (address, phone, and so on) c.web site url d.company mission e.services provided f.sample list of clients g.describe three multimedia elements the company has used in its site. were these elements effective? why, or why not? h.would you work for this company? why, or why not? 3.compare your three analyses. of the three companies you reviewed, name the company you would recommend to develop a multimedia-rich web site and explain why. assignment #1 is due on march 12, 2008.
I can complete the task absolutely .I am sure to complete the task well .I am bound to complete the task splendidly .我能想到的就这些啦,楼主自己挑咯 ^_^



Although is beset with difficulties, she tries to finish ahead of schedule the duty (even though) To compete that contract, we should unify each strength and resources (compete) I speak of this mistake, what I refer to is you (refer to)
尽管困难重重,她还是设法提前完成任务(even though) Even though there are lots of difficulties, she managed to complete the task ahead of time. 为了竞争那份合同,我们应该结合各种力量和资源(compete) In order to compete that contract , we should combine all kinds of forces and resources. 我说到这个错误,我指的是你(refer to) When I came to this error, I am referring to you.
1. She tried every means to complete the task ahead of schedule even though there were a lot of difficulties.(even though后跟句子) 2. We should combine various forces and resources to compete for that contract.(如果compete 后要跟名词,要加介词for) 3.When I talk about this mistake, it refers to you.(当refer to是"暗指"的意思时,主语多是物,而不是人.中文里说"我指的是你",但英文逻辑是"这个错误指的是你")
尽管困难重重,她还是设法提前完成任务(even though) Even though with so many difficulties,she tired her best to fisish the work in advanced. 为了竞争那份合同,我们应该结合各种力量和资源(compete) To complete for that contract ,we should combine all the powers and resources together . 我说到这个错误,我指的是你(refer to) When I mention this mistake ,I refer to you .
Despite the difficulties, she managed to complete the task ahead of time (even though) In order to compete contract that, we should combine forces and resources to (compete) But when I came to this error, I am referring to you (refer to)