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Gardner法 1约为铁钴比色法140左右Gardner法 2约为铁钴比色法280左右


3,作家Mona Gardner的资料

Mona Gardner, an American woman writer. Most of her short stories were written for the Saturday Evening Post magazine and Collier’s Weekly magazine during the 1930s and 1940s. The Dinner Party first appeared in the Saturday Review of Literature, Vol. 25, No. 5, January 31, 1941.

作家Mona Gardner的资料

4,求教Gardner指数和ASTM D6166详情

HunterLab 积分球的仪器UltraScan PRO 可以直接测量Gardner指数的嘛。Gardner指数是一种只用于液体产品的黄度指数,用来测量清澈的黄色/棕色的液体,一般是妥尔油,脂肪酸,松香及相关产品等等,色度在1-18之间。关于Gardner指数国际上有两个标准,一个是ASTM D1544,一个是ASTM D6166.只不过ASTM D1544是目视比色,比较麻烦,要将样品装于玻璃管中,与18块玻璃标准色板相比较,看样品的饱和度和亮度和哪一块玻璃标准色板最接近。ASTM D6166 是仪器法测量Gardner指数直接测量,比ASTM D1544 的方法更为精确。
Garnder 指数用来表示象树脂等产品的透射颜色,这些产品的颜色相对与用APHA 指数表示的产品来讲,偏向于更暗黄和褐色。Garnder 指数通常用20mm比色皿测量。D6166 指数用 10mm 的比色皿来测量,符合 ASTM D6166 测试方法。韵鼎上有一些详细介绍,可以参考一下

5,Howard Gardner 是谁

howard earl gardner (born july 11, 1943 in scranton, pennsylvania) is an american developmental psychologist who is a professor of cognition and education at harvard graduate school of education at harvard university, senior director of harvard project zero and author of over twenty books translated into thirty languages. he is the son of ralph gardner and hilde weilheimer (hilde gardner since her marriage to ralph gardner). since 1995, he has been the co-director of the goodwork project. he is best known for his theory of multiple intelligences. he received the prince of asturias award 2011 in social sciences for the development of this theory. 霍华德·加德纳是世界著名教育心理学家,最为人知的成就是“多元智能理论”,被誉为“多元智能理论”之父。现任美国哈佛大学教育研究生院心理学,教育学教授,波士顿大学医学院精神病学教授。任哈佛大学“零点项目”研究所主持人,专著超过20本,发表论文数百篇。超过20所大学颁给他荣誉学位。《纽约时报》称他为美国当今最有影响力的发展心理学家和教育学家。
您好:Howard Earl Gardner (born July 11, 1943 in Scranton, Pennsylvania) is an American developmental psychologist who is a professor of Cognition and Education at Harvard Graduate School of Education at Harvard University, Senior Director of Harvard Project Zero and author of over twenty books translated into thirty languages. He is the son of Ralph Gardner and Hilde Weilheimer (Hilde Gardner since her marriage to Ralph Gardner). Since 1995, he has been the co-director of the GoodWork Project. He is best known for his theory of multiple intelligences. He received the Prince of Asturias Award 2011 in Social Sciences for the development of this theory. 霍华德·加德纳是世界著名教育心理学家,最为人知的成就是“多元智能理论”,被誉为“多元智能理论”之父.现任美国哈佛大学教育研究生院心理学,教育学教授,波士顿大学医学院精神病学教授.任哈佛大学“零点项目”研究所主持人,专著超过20本,发表论文数百篇.超过20所大学颁给他荣誉学位.《纽约时报》称他为美国当今最有影响力的发展心理学家和教育学家.----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
哈沃德·加德纳(Howard Earl Gardner,1943年生于美国宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿),美国发展心理学家。他在1983年提出了多元智能理论。