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2,没茅台是什么歌time 没茅台英文歌名


没茅台是什么歌time 没茅台英文歌名


歌曲:so high 歌手:john legend 歌曲:so high 歌手:jagged edge 应当是这两个吧。。描述太少了。。



没茅台是出自TIME 这首歌英文make more time 的谐音,就是没茅台抖音里用这这首歌做背景音乐,然后拍视频问老板有没有茅台 然后背景音乐出现放了出来,属于一个谐音更 望采纳

5,一首外国的歌女生唱的我英语不好 第一局 图为也 什么 然后黑为啊

是不是卡朋特的《昨日重现》,yesterday once more
你好!天呐 。你这咋知道歌名啊。。。。。。好头疼的问题。如有疑问,请追问。


《Time》作词:MKJ谱曲:MKJ演唱:摩根·弗里曼、MKJMoney is not evil by itself钱本身无罪Its just paper with perceived value to obtain other things we value in other ways它只是一张感知价值的纸,我们用来获得其他物品的一种方式If not money – what is evil you may ask?如果钱无罪,那你会问什么有罪?Evil is the unquenchable, obsessive and moral bending desire for more罪是止不住的、令人着迷的、道德扭曲的贪欲Evil is the bottomless, soulless and obsessive-compulsive pursuit of some pot of gold罪是无止尽的、无灵魂的、强迫性的逐利at the end of some rainbow which doesn’t exist那些并不存在的彩虹之巅Evil is having a price tag for your heart and soul in exchange for financial success at any cost罪是在交易成功时心和灵魂的价标Evil is trying to buy happiness, again and again罪是试图买回幸福,并乐此不疲until all of those fake, short lived mirages of emotions are gone直到那些虚假、短暂的心灵幻境消逝Make more time,I’m not saying you can’t be financially successful赚取更多时间,我不是说你不该追求经济上的成功I’m saying have a greater purpose in life well beyond the pursuit of financial success而是说有一个更伟大的生命目标会比追逐金钱上的成功超然Your soul is screaming for you to answer your true calling你的灵魂正为你最真切的呼唤而尖叫You can change today if you redefine what success is to you你可以改变现在,只要你重新定义何为成功You can transform your damaged relationships and build new ones你可以转变你破损的人际关系并重建You can forgive yourself and others who’ve hurt you你可以原谅自己以及那些伤害过你的人You can become a leader by mentoring with others who you aspire to be like在你曾渴望成为的那些人的辅导下,你也可以变成一个领袖You can re-balance your priorities in life你可以调整生命中的优先级You can heal your marriage and recreate a stronger love than you ever thought possible你可以治愈你的婚姻并重建比你想象中更强烈的爱You can become the best parent possible at any age – even 86你可以变成最好的父母,甚至到86岁仍是如此but don’t wait until then,You will always be able to make more money但别等到那时,你总会有能力赚更多钱But you cannot make more time但你却不能赚取更多时间


这首歌的英文名是《april 5,1969》 这个网址可以视听和下载哦:http://www.jqrx.com/Music/april51969-ShunZi.htm我也忍不住下下来了,这是美妙的声音啊
pril 5,1969(顺子) 歌词如下: when the moon falls in your eyes i know the sun has set and the fire still burns within me since the day we met i know my heaven would be so cmoplete you can make it real i wont let this chance go by i can see,feel you oceans apart,the rivers run deep we still live out love it doesnt matter how many layers of clouds float above we found each other in the roughest of weathers went through every season together still wishing the days were shorter writing tons and tons of love letters love letters,love letters oh,i can feel you,feel you

8,B站没茅台是什么歌time 没茅台英文歌名歌词介绍

你说的应该是《time》《Time》是MKJ制作的一首歌曲,发行于2015年04月25日。歌中的独白来自摩根·弗里曼在纪录片《Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman》(《与摩根·弗里曼一起穿越虫洞》)中的一段台词。下面是歌词Money is not evil by itself钱本不邪恶Its just paper with perceived value to obtain other things we value in other ways钱只是商品流通的交换介质,只是一张纸If not money – what is evil you may ask?那你会问,什么是邪恶?Evil is the unquenchable, obsessive and moral bending desire for more邪恶是上瘾的道德扭曲的欲望Evil is the bottomless, soulless and obsessive-compulsive pursuit of some pot of gold是强迫自己无休止地觊觎at the end of some rainbow which doesn’t exist那些并不存在的梦幻Evil is having a price tag for your heart and soul in exchange for financial success at any cost邪恶是你内心不惜一切代价获取经济利益的价格标签Evil is trying to buy happiness, again and again是贪得无厌,索取幸福until all of those fake, short lived mirages of emotions are gone直到那些虚幻的蜃景消逝Make more time让时间更有意义I’m not saying you can’t be financially successful我并不是说你不能在经济上取得成功I’m saying have a greater purpose in life well beyond the pursuit of financial success我是说有一个伟大的生活目标会超越经济方面的成功Your soul is screaming for you to answer your true calling你的灵魂在尖叫着等你最真切的回应You can change today if you redefine what success is to you如果你重新定义成功,你可能改变自己的现状You can transform your damaged relationships and build new ones你可能改善并重新建立你的人际关系You can forgive yourself and others who’ve hurt you你可能原谅自己和伤害过你的人You can become a leader by mentoring with others who you aspire to be like在你仰慕的人的指导下你也可能成为一个领导You can re-balance your priorities in life你可以重新调整生活的重心You can heal your marriage and recreate a stronger love than you ever thought possible你可以治愈你的婚姻并重建真爱You can become the best parent possible at any age – even 86你在任何年纪都能成为最好的父母,甚至在86岁but don’t wait until then…但千万别等到那时You will always be able to make more money你将来可能会赚很多钱But you cannot make more time却得不到更多时间 [1] (满意请采纳,有问题请留言)。

9,歌是英文的听起来像卢瑟我特瑞 what

马修`连恩的《布列瑟侬》 歌词如下: here i stand in bressanone with the stars up in the sky are they shining over brenner and upon the other side you would be a sweet surrender i must go the other way and my train will carry me onward though my heart would surdly stay wo my heart would surely stay mow the clouds are flying by me and the moon is the rise i have left stars behind me they were disamondsin your skies you would be a sweet surrender i must go the other way and my train will carry me onward though my heart would surely stay wo my heart would surely stay 我站在布列瑟侬的星空下 而星星,也在天的另一边照着布列勒. 请你温柔的放手,因我必须远走. 虽然,火车将带走我的人,但我的心,却不会片刻相离. 哦,我的心不会片刻相离. 看着身边白云浮掠,日落月升. 我将星辰抛在身后,让他们点亮你的天空 很好听!你要学吗?


没茅台歌是make more time。没茅台歌词如下:歌手:MKJ所属专辑:TimeMoney is not evil by itself钱本身无罪Its just paper with perceived value to obtain other things we value in other ways钱只是商品流通的交换介质,只是一张纸If not money – what is evil you may ask?那你会问,什么是邪恶?Evil is the unquenchable, obsessive and moral bending desire for more邪恶是上瘾的道德扭曲的欲望Evil is the bottomless, soulless and obsessive-compulsive pursuit of some pot of gold是强迫自己无休止地觊觎at the end of some rainbow which doesn’t exist那些并不存在的梦幻Evil is having a price tag for your heart and soul in exchange for financial success at any cost邪恶是你内心不惜一切代价获取经济利益的价格标签Evil is trying to buy happiness, again and again是贪得无厌,索取幸福until all of those fake, short lived mirages of emotions are gone直到那些虚幻的蜃景消逝Make more time让时间更有意义I’m not saying you can’t be financially successful我并不是说你不能在经济上取得成功I’m saying have a greater purpose in life well beyond the pursuit of financial success我是说有一个伟大的生活目标会超越经济方面的成功Your soul is screaming for you to answer your true calling你的灵魂在尖叫着等你最真切的回应You can change today if you redefine what success is to you如果你重新定义成功,你可能改变自己的现状You can transform your damaged relationships and build new ones你可能改善并重新建立你的人际关系You can forgive yourself and others who’ve hurt you你可能原谅自己和伤害过你的人You can become a leader by mentoring with others who you aspire to be like在你仰慕的人的指导下你也可能成为一个领导You can re-balance your priorities in life你可以重新调整生活的重心You can heal your marriage and recreate a stronger love than you ever thought possible你可以治愈你的婚姻并重建真爱You can become the best parent possible at any age – even 86你在任何年纪都能成为最好的父母,甚至在86岁but don’t wait until then…但千万别等到那时You will always be able to make more money你将来可能会赚很多钱But you cannot make more time却得不到更多时间扩展资料:没茅台,网络流行词,指一段张国荣抽烟视频的视频配乐《Time》的谐音称呼。也有一说该词来源于make more time,意思是争取更多的时间,让时间更有意义。该词流行于视频弹幕中,属于灌水,但是也可以当做是什么都没有,有什么什么不存在的意思。比如我想要一点钱,就可以回答:没茅台没茅台其实是一首歌曲,一首英文歌曲,由于听起来很像没茅台的谐音,因此成为了一个梗!没茅台歌是make more time,这首歌非常火爆,但是被很多人听成了没茅台,导致了这个梗的流行。参考资料来源:闽南网-B站没茅台是什么歌time 没茅台英文歌名歌词介绍参考资料来源:百度百科-没茅台


负担不起 关心妍
泪滴在琴上 (思小妞) 小胡制作 qq:465150492 很安静的 这天下午 我写了这首歌 内心纠结 心也隔着 要怎么才能牵绊 看不见 时间倒转 世界只剩一半 回忆终究 还是会忘记的喔 看不见你 美丽的脸 又再胡思乱想 脑海浮现 你的画面 你和他出现在眼前 看不见 时间倒转 世界只剩一半 回忆终究 还是会忘记的喔 写一首我们的歌 他们的歌 都关于你的快乐 是难过以后的冷漠 要那么的度过 写一首我们的歌 他们的歌 太多的话不要说 等到那以后告诉我 有个人再也不会寂寞 小胡制作 qq:465150492 转身留下 我的背影 假装都不在意 你却躲在 他的怀里 眼神没有丝毫回忆 把回忆 轻轻得唱 泪滴在了琴上 此时的我 忘记你已有个他 写一段我的回忆 你的回忆 都是否还会珍惜 用心脏来承受巨痛 用手埋葬过去 写一段我的回忆 你的回忆 最后是你要放弃 我还没来得及问你 你却被他抱在怀里 写一首我们的歌 他们的歌 都关于你的快乐 是难过以后的冷漠 要那么的度过 写一首我们的歌 他们的歌 太多的话不要说 等到那以后告诉我 有个人再也不会寂寞 end
歌曲:负担不起歌手:音乐情书 ?? 搜索"负担不起"LRC歌词?? 搜索"负担不起"mp3 [ti:负担不起][ar:音乐情书][by:fyes(feiyes.net)]作曲:shim sang won/chae jung eam 填词:梁芷珊编曲:b. cheung 监制:赵增熹ah huh…明天一觉睡醒会是怎么的情形从来没感觉到是这心境无论冷与暖也不起劲很想放声很想痛哭在这世界里我最孤独那天空多广阔围着我的是满载回忆的空屋如果让我可将功补过换我再不必哭这么多还为你我之间的故事换个结果人怎么懂得了更多人怎么懂得了认错来到快要失去尝试过苦楚at the end of the day我最需要的是你不是谁无能力失去你像快枯死如像缺氧我负担不起at the end of the day我最疼爱的是你不是谁我有否这福气在我每天醒来后沉沦在你的体温与气味迷惑我的心 ah如果让我可将功补过换我再不必哭这么多还为你我之间的故事换个结果人怎么懂得了更多人怎么懂得了认错来到快要失去尝试过苦楚at the end of the day我最需要的是你不是谁无能力失去你像快枯死如像缺氧我负担不起at the end of the day我最疼爱的是你不是谁我有否这福气在我每天醒来后沉沦在你的体温与气味迷惑我的心 ah


《La la love on my mind》歌手安·温斯博恩(Ann Winsborn)。歌手安·温斯博恩(Ann Winsborn)是瑞典籍歌手,出生于瑞典南部的港口城市马尔默市。发售过两张专辑,以及若干张单曲。《La la love on my mind》是她的代表性作品,风靡世界,也是|DJ舞曲|《冰河时代1》的插曲之一。郭美美翻唱的《爱的答铃》,和邵雨涵翻唱的《拉拉爱》均源自于《La la love on my mind》。歌词:lala,lalalala,lala,lalalalahm...you will be line never my lifeone will it take and the life to livei ask for sunshine and left to givelongly for your gistslongly for your arms to be hold mei took the friday night flightparis here i come couldn,t live without youyou re the only onegot the note you wrote meknow it all by heartoh nothing s gonna keep us apartthere is only..la la love on my mindgonna leave my la la love on the linebaby just surrender, you ll be la lucky tonightlooking out for ooh la la la l,amourand i m gonna la la love you toujoursthere s no doubt about ityou re the la love of my lifedon t care about my suitcasegonna grab a cablet your arms unfold megive you all i haveboy you got me dreaminyou re a kiss awayin your arms i m going to staythere is onlyla la love on my mindgonna leave my la la love on the linebaby just surrenderyou ll be la lucky tonightlooking out for ooh la la la l amourand i m gonna la la love you toujoursthere s no doubt about ityou re the la love of my lifela la love on my mindgonna leave my la la love on the linebaby just surrenderyou ll be la lucky tonightlooking out for ooh la la la l amourand i m gonna la la love you toujoursthere s no doubt about ityou re the la love of my lifethere s no doubt about ityou re the la love of my life
La La Love on my mind