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entertain you to beers
i want to drink bear
please drink the beer
Buy you a beer.
I will invite you to drink beer



你来中国我请客You come to China to treat me你来中国我请客You come to China to treat me
对于一次请客喝酒或吃饭,可以说。i buy you beer. 或i buy you dinner.
I will treat you to meals if you come to China.


3,今晚我请你们俩 吃饭 英语翻译

1. I will treat you two for meal.2. I hope he can find a good job.3. I will buy you some beer./ I will buy you some juice.4. Would you like some wine?5. I had no idea that you were coming tonight./ I had no idea that you would joined party tonight.
译成英语是: i am very happy to know you. we are going to separate, please put your memories at the bottom of my heart 你的采纳 我的动力希望我能继续帮助你

今晚我请你们俩 吃饭 英语翻译


I want to invite you to have a drink. Could you invite me as well?
我想请你喝杯酒;I want to ask you to drink the cup liquor你能请我喝杯酒吗;You can ask me to drink the cup liquor
你好!我想请你喝杯酒May I invite you to a drink/dinner?(因为汉语中这句话还可以表示请某人吃饭的意思,如果是后者就用to dinner)你能请我喝杯酒吗Would you mind inviting me to a drink?仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。
I want to invite you to have a drink. can you buy me a drink?
May I buy you a drink?至于请我喝一杯,你可以给对方个眼神然后说"buy me a drink?" 在酒吧说话不要太正式太严肃了,一切在于意趣~


“我来买单我请客”英文:Let me pay for my treat.这餐我来付钱my treat直译是:我的招待。可以理解为:所花费的东西,我来招待,间接表示为请客。词汇解析:1、Let me让我;让我...;请允许我2、pay英 [pe?] 美 [pe] vt.& vi.付款;偿还;补偿;(对…)有利vt.支付;给予3、for英 [f?(r)] 美 [f?r,f?] prep.为,为了;倾向于;关于;当作conj.因为,由于4、treat英 [tri:t] 美 [trit] n.招待;款待;乐事;乐趣v.治疗;对待;处理;款待扩展资料treat的词语用法一、n. (名词)1、treat可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。用作名词的意思是“乐趣,愉快的事”,指不常得到或意料之外的事,常用单数形式,与a连用。2、treat还可表示“款待,招待”,常伴有表明决定这种待人方式的性格、态度和观点的意味。二、v. (动词)1、treat用作动词的基本意思是“以某种态度对待某人〔某事物〕”。引申为“款待”“请客”“处置”“谈判”“讨论”“医治”。作“医治”解时,可说treat sth,也可说treat sb for sth。2、treat作“对待(某人)”解时,用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。3、treat作“探讨,讨论”解时,用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。
Golly, looka yonder.” He pointed across the street.
你可以说It’s on me. 这个是非常口语化也很地道的表达或者说I treat you.