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what kind of alcohol do you like? What would you like to drink? What kind of liquor do you like tp drink?What drink/liquor do you prefer? What would you like to drink?



英文中对“酒”的说法有很多种,不是中文的一个字就涵盖的。 alcohol原意“酒精”,特指度数很高的烈性酒。 spirit也是指高度酒。 wine特指果酒,特别是葡萄酿制的酒,有红葡萄酒red wine、白葡萄酒white wine、冰酒ice wine等。 beer专指啤酒 whisky威士忌酒,其中的scotch是特指英国苏格兰出产的威士忌。 brandy白兰地 gin金酒,也就是杜松子酒 vodka伏特加 rum兰姆酒 tequila龙舌兰酒



  白酒是以粮谷为主要原料,以大曲、小曲或麸曲及酒母等为糖化发酵剂,经蒸煮、糖化、发酵、蒸馏而制成的蒸馏酒。酒质无色(或微黄)透明,气味芳香纯正,入口绵甜爽净,酒精含量较高,经贮存老熟后,具有以酯类为主体的复合香味。那么你知道白酒的英文怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    白酒英文说法1:   white wine    白酒英文说法2:   white spirit    白酒的英文例句:   这个庄园总体上是一个高质量白酒的产地。   The estate is generally a producer of high quality wines.   新型白酒将具有更加广阔的前景。   New type liquor will have even broader prospects.   奥利弗从冰箱的架子上拿了一瓶白酒。   Oliver plucked a bottle of white wine from the rack in the fridge door.   这种白酒味道淡得像水。   The wine tastes as bland as water.   因此,我们将其作为一种带有自然风味的高级白酒介绍给他们。   So we introduce it to them as a premium white spirit with a natural flavor.   白酒泡小辣椒能治脱发吗?   Can liquor bubble small chili treat trichomadesis?   紧张的男人喝白酒,入侵别国。   Uptight men drink alcohol and invade another country.   厕所是冷藏啤酒和白酒的最佳场所。   A toilet is the best place to keep beer and alcohol chilled.   白酒和葡萄酒同上。   The same goes for wine and spirits.   基于三维荧光光谱特性的白酒聚类分析研究   Cluster analysis of distilled spirit based on three-dim fluorescent spectra   中国人吃饭的时候喝白酒。   Chinese people drink white spirit when they eat.   本工艺不但解决了白酒厂酒糟污染问题,而且可获得较好的经济效益。   This techniques not only can solute the lees contamination in liquor factory but also obtain a good economic effect.   中国的白酒主要是从发酵的谷物中蒸馏而来。   Chinese spirits have been distilled mainly from fermented cereals.   产于法国卢瓦尔河河谷的白酒。   dry white wine from the Loire Valley in France.   趵突泉芝麻香白酒的风格特点及工艺技术要点   Styles, Characteristics& Technical Points of Baotuquan Sesame-flavor Liquor   利用大口径毛细管柱快速判定白酒真假   The Use of Wide-bore Capillary Column Quickly Determine Liquor True   法律规定可以免税带两瓶甜酒或白酒以及一条烟。   The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty-free.   我国白酒行业总体概况和发展趋势分析   General Situation and Trends of Distilled Spirit Trade in China   比如白酒配白肉,红酒配红肉,还有其他诸如此类的规则让你去遵守。   White wine with fish, red wine with red meat and other such norms you are expected to follow.   把化工行业的相关技术,应用在白酒的生产过程中,让计算机帮助做酒体的勾调混合、老熟等后续工作。   The interrelation technology of the chemical industry were applied in the process of production of the distilled spirit, and let computer to assist to do the later works e.g.blending and aging.

