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1.She has gone to her home where is close our school. 2.They have gone to Beijing where is famous with Chinese culture. 3.He has gone to the shop where is behind the building.
i have gone to somewhere where the weather was warm



英语作业批改的日期应遵循月份在前,具体日期在后的批改规范;都可以用简写。按照下面的方法具体来写:1、英语日期的缩写是阿拉伯数字加上英语序数词的后两位组合而成,如:1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 。2、月份的缩写应取前面三位数字,第一位数字一定要大写。扩展资料英语作业批改中的月份要选择缩写,不能全写,以下是月份的缩写:Jan. 一月份Feb. 二月份Mar. 三月份Apr. 四月份Jun. 六月份Jul. 七月份Aug. 八月份Sep. 九月份Oct. 十月份Nov. 十一月份Dec. 十二月份参考资料:搜狗百科-英语缩写词
用英语批改作业的日期一月6日怎么写我的习惯写法是:jan. 6th你可以参考使用哦满意请及时采纳,谢谢
类似:June 1st,Sept. 21st, Oct. 22nd 等等
先写月份的简写,然后写日期,例如写9月十号的日期,在批改好的作业下方写Sep.10st即可。类似:June 1st,Sept. 21st, Oct. 22nd 等等。英式英语中“日”在“月份”的前面,有需要的话可以加上序数词的结尾。月份前的介词基本上可以省略,“年”的前面加逗号。美式英语中,“月份”在“日”的前面,“日”的前面还可以加上定冠词“the",“年”的前面放逗号是非常常见的。比如:October (the) 5(th), 2016。扩展资料英文数字、日期的表达方式,是日常生活中比较常用的“年”用基数词,“日”用序数词,前面用定冠词the, 也可不用。月/日/年(美式),日/月/年(英式)在2012年12月25日:on December 25th, 2012 或 on 25th December, 2012。如:20世纪90年代:in the 1990s或1990’s 读作:in the nineteen nineties
比如今天是9月9号Sep 9th 或者 9th September



I can not forget an accident that happened to a old woman.I saw it when I came back from work.To my surprised,the driver who were in a black car ran away instead of taking the old woman to the hospital .I was very angry .For one thing,the driver shoud not so careless that the old woman injured.For another,he can not run away.I thought there is still something we can do to help others while seeing the accident so I wrote down his license plate number quickly and called the police.Then I took the old woman to the hospitai.She was impressed because of my behavior.luckily,she was not seriously injured.Soon she got well.
Last week, a traffic accident left me a very deep impression, the traffic accident happened on my way back from work. I saw an old woman was knocked down by a black car, but the driver did not mean to stop, drove the car away, which made me very angry. I wrote down his license plate number, and report to the police. And then immediately the old woman to the hospital, my kindness to her very touched, fortunately wife woman was not seriously injured, soon after recovery. 应该可以吧,我已经很不容易了

