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1. 红葡萄酒用英文怎么说

1. 红葡萄酒用英文怎么说

“红色”的英语:red,发音:英 [red] 美 [rɛd]。释义:n.红色,红颜料;赤字adj.红色的;红肿的,充血的n.(Red)人名;(英、德)雷德例句:

1.Ifyourskinbecomesred,soreorveryscaly,consultyourdoctor. 如果皮肤发红、瘙痒或脱皮,要向医生咨询。

2.Hisexercisebookswerefullofwelldeservedredticks. 他的练习本上尽是些红钩钩,都是他应得的。

3.Bakesomebigredpeppersandhollowthemout. 将几个大红甜椒烤一烤,再把它们掏空。扩展资料词组:inthered 负债,亏损;赤字inred 穿红衣redwine 红葡萄酒redcross n.红十字会redarmy n.红军redblood 血性redlight 危险信号,红灯brightred 鲜红;亮红色intothered 负债;财政情况欠佳redsea n.红海(印度洋西北的长形内海,在亚洲阿拉伯半岛同非洲东北部之间)

2. 红酒由葡萄制成用英语怎么说

2. 红酒由葡萄制成用英语怎么说

The cultivation of the domesticated grape began 6,000-8,000 years ago in the Near East. Yeast, one of the earliest domesticated microorganisms, occurs naturally on the skins of grapes, leading to the innovation of alcoholic drinks such as wine.

First traces of red wine are seen in ancient Armenia where apparently, to date, the oldest winery was found, dating to around 4,000 BCE.

By the 9th century CE the city of Shiraz was known to produce some of the finest wines in the Middle east. Thus it has been proposed that Syrah red wine is named after Shiraz, a city in Persia where the grape was used to make Shirazi wine.

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics record the cultivation of purple grapes, and history attests to the ancient Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans growing purple grapes for both eating and wine production. Later, the growing of grapes spread to Europe, North Africa, and eventually North America.





3. 葡萄酒用英文怎么说?

红酒的英文是red wine.

4. 红葡萄酒的英文怎么说

red 音标: [red] 红色

red-普通的红crimson/deep red-深红scarlet/bright red-大红,亮红vermilion-朱红


红色是:red 音标:[red] 知道音标就会读 了

翻译:adj. 红色的; (脸) 涨红的; 烧红的; 红头发的;

n. 红色; 红衣服; 红颜料; 红葡萄酒;

相关知识:比较级:redder 最高级:reddest 复数:reds

red-普通的红crimson/deep red-深红scarlet/bright red-大红,亮红vermilion-朱红

5. 葡萄酒用英文怎么读


6. 红葡萄酒用英文怎么说写


7. 葡萄酒英文怎么写

酒 alcohol 酒精, 酒diddle 酒drink 饮料, 酒tiff 酒tipple 烈酒spirit 烈酒beer 啤酒wine 葡萄酒vino 酒water of life 生命之水, 酒wet goods 酒

8. 红葡萄酒用英文怎么说怎么写


9. 干红葡萄酒英文怎么说

红的还可以 rouge wine 白的可以blanc wine 这些是进口红酒的时候对方报价的时候经常会用到的。。。。。

10. 红葡萄酒英语怎么读

