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1.CHEVALIER ; V。S。O。P。是一瓶白兰地酒,级别VSOP,法国产,1公升的容量价格应该是500左右。

2.(肯定不是人头马)JIM BEAM是占边 BOURBON波本 WHISKEY威士忌,就是占边波本威士忌,产地美国,是一种以玉米为主要原料的威士忌酒。

3.看你酒的正标是什么颜色的,因为它还有黑占边与白占边之分。价格都为145左右BRANDY ; ORIGINAL 应该是一种白兰地的混合利口酒,产地应该是北欧的小国家,价格在200以下SOBIESKI ; VOOKA 是绝对伏特加,产地瑞典,是一种白色透明液体。

4.属烈性酒。价位为15它还有其它果味品种。WóDKA ;WYBOROWA 是维波罗瓦伏特加,产地波兰,经多次蒸馏。

5.价位为13PAN ;TADEUSZ应该是一种清酒。如果是的话,产地日本。价位在100左右。但不敢肯定,因为楼主写的不太明确。









1.$1,060,000 - Diva Vodka(最美最贵的洋酒)Diva Vodka I hesitate to put this bottle on the list, but I must stick to the topic。

2. This bottle of vodka hails from Scotland and its price is the result of how much “bling” you want your bottle to have。

3. The bottle can be encrusted with precious gems: diamonds, rubies, sapphires, etc。

4. Blackwood Distillers makes this triple distilled vodka that is ice-filtered through Nordic birch charcoal and then for some reason is passed through a sand of crushed diamonds and other gems。

5. Absolutely ridiculous, so let’s move on to the next item, which is almost just as ridiculous, but then after that it’s smooth sailing。

6.$255,000 - Spluch TequilaSpluch TequilaI was also not sure about including this one on the list, simply because the price of the bottle is not necessarily attributed to quality — but to the bottle itself。

7. The bottle is made of solid platinum and white gold which was unveiled in Mexico City on October 26, 200 The bottle was purchased by a private collector on July 20, 200 As a result of the sale, the Tequila Ley 。

8.925 pany broke the Guinness World Records for the most expensive bottle of liquor sold。

9.You can see it for yourself here。$160,000 - Chateau Lafite 1787Chateau Lafite 1787This bottle is much more interesting because it has some history to it, and the bottle itself is worth no more than the materials it could be separated into and melted。

10. This bottle originally purchased from France by Thomas Jefferson, who was an avid wine collector。

11.This bottle is a Bordeaux and was sold at an auction in 1985 to Christopher Forbes。

12. Much of the value es from the fact that Thomas Jefferson once owned this bottle — his initials are etched into it。

13. You can read more about this wine and others (some on this list) here at Forbes。
